Mocks take place between 31st March and 2nd April - you should see them as a chance to practice essays and to build upon the exam-style essays you have already been writing. In preparation, you should look back over comments I have made on the essays I have marked - remember to pack your essays full of plenty of examples to support the points you have made!
If you are attempting to answer a question from Section A: Producers and Audiences remember to use the examples from the stimulus material sparingly - by all means mention the films, stars and companies from the stimulus material as examples BUT just remember that this material is supposed to be used as a springboard to get you to write about the relevant issues. The majority of the many examples that you use must come from my case studies, your case studies and the notes from class. As part of your revision I urge you to look back over this blog, as it is full of useful information about many of the main topics you will be expected to discuss. Use this as an opportunity to get the bulk of your revision done for Section A: Producers and Audiences!
If you are attempting a question from Section C: American Film - Comparative Study remember that the essay should focus on the ways that the institutional contexts of Ocean's Eleven and Reservoir Dogs shape the narrative structures of both films, and the ways that this influences the use of genre conventions. Background information about budget, stars, release patterns etc is fine to include - BUT you should do so in your introduction. The bulk of your essay should focus on the expected narrative structure of movies from the heist genre and the ways that one film conforms to this, whilst the other doesn't. You may find it useful to have a bulky paragraph on each of the acts - one on act one (the planning of the heist), one on act two (the heist itself) and one on act three (the aftermath). You must pack your essay full of supporting examples of specific scenes from the films. Use this as an opportunity to get the bulk of your revision done for Section C: American Film - Comparative Study!
For AS students there will be one paper lasting one hour. You will get a choice of two questions from Section A: Producers and Audiences - YOU MUST ANSWER ONE. The mock will take place at 09:00 on Tuesday 1st April.
For 1 Year students (and any A2 students re-taking this paper in May) there will be one paper lasting one hour and forty minutes. You will get a choice of two questions from Section A: Producers and Audiences and a choice of two questions from Section C: American Film - Comparative Study - YOU MUST ANSWER ONE QUESTION FROM EACH SECTION. The questions are equally weighted, so you should spend approximately fifty minutes on each. The mock will take place at 15:00 on Tuesday 1st April.
Please take the mocks seriously and revise carefully - this will save you time in the build up to the real exams and will help you gauge just how much work you still have to do to be properly prepared.
Good luck!
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