Friday, 7 March 2014

Section C: American Film - Comparative Study

Here are some questions for Section C: American Film - Comparative Study.

In your essay you must make comparisons between Reservoir Dogs and Ocean's Eleven - remember that you should be discussing the films in the wider contexts of genre and institution, and the ways in which the narrative of the films is different. Reservoir Dogs is an independent film, whilst Ocean's Eleven is a mainstream Hollywood film - think about the ways in which this affects the narrative structure, but also how each film presents the heist genre.

1. Discuss the similarities and differences in your chosen American films.
2. Compare and contrast the narrative structures of your chosen American films.
3. How far do your chosen American films portray themes and ideas in similar ways?
4. Compare the ways in which narrative is used to create dramatic conflict in the American films you have studied for this topic.
5. How far do the American films you have studied for this topic depend on well established narrative and/or genre conventions?
6. How far do the American films you have studied for this topic express similar messages and values to one another?
7. Compare the ways in which key themes in your chosen American films are presented.
8. Discuss some of the similarities and differences between the two films you have studied for this topic with particular reference to narrative and genre features.
9. How useful have your wider contextual studies been in understanding similarities and differences in the American films you have studied for this topic?

The information that you will present for any of these questions will essentially be the same - just make sure that you shape this information so that it ACTUALLY ANSWERS THE QUESTION! Frequently reference the question in your answers - pick out the important words and phrases from the question, and use them in each paragraph.

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